Sunday, October 23, 2005

1 Week to Go!

Well, we have one more week to go before we start the move. Jamie and I are living amongst tons of boxes. I have been trying to be disciplined with packing and personally I think I am doing a good job. I have been packing a little bit everyday so that when next weekend comes there won't be tons to do. Its funny, I have been finding that I really don't mind packing. I actually enjoy trying to find different size things to pack into boxes, to see how much I can get into each box. Jamie just sits and shakes his head at me. Who knew that packing boxes could be so fun!!!! The only struggle now is that our place is not the cleanest. I usually clean on the weekends but this weekend because of all the boxes I am unable to do that. So, I am having to tell myself that it is OK and it will get done eventually. Again, who knew that cleaning would be such an important thing in my life. I must be growing up.... now, that is a crazy thought. Well, I suppose I should get back to the packing...

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