Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

My in-laws threw me a bit of a birthday party on Sunday. They always will make the meal of your choice (steak and baked potatoes) and then we have presents, cake, and games. It has been nice because this is very similar to how my family celebrated birthdays, so I feel right at home. When Jamie and I were in Michigan for Christmas we celebrated my birthday with stuffed pasta shells. Mmmmm good.
We were re-introduced to the game, Sequence. I had learned it a long time ago but it was our gift to Pa B for Christmas. It is quite a hit!!! We become quite a competitive family when the games come out.

Mama B made me a confetti cake ( which I requested) and the funny thing was the candles:) If you look closely it looks like I turned 125 years old!!!! Man, I look good!!! As you can probably guess she put them in wrong. We all had a good laugh over it and definitely won't forget that one for a long time. Mama B thanks for the cake!!! It was delicious! Pa B thanks for the steak, it was great too.
It's hard to imagine that another year has gone by and another is just beginning. Time sure does fly when you are having fun!!! When I look back at all God has done for me I am blown away by His love.Jamie and I have experienced many different changes in our lives in the past year and it has been fun to see God's hand in them all. God has given me a wonderful husband who loves me and extends grace and forgiveness to me in so many ways; 2 famililes that love me and are always their in support of whatever I do; and friends to share fun times together. I am sure that we are store for another great and awesome year!!! I promise to keep you posted. :)


Anonymous said...


Darin and Jody said...

Thanks for posting the pictures of your birthday, Meg, I am sorry that we had to miss your birthday, but it helps to see pictures from your special day. Your present is in the process of making its way to Canada, sorry about the delay, it is coming though.

love you and miss you

Darin and Jody said...

hey this is random and darin but your hair is getting so long, i like it. Inlaws can say stuff like that right, later