Wednesday, March 01, 2006

15 weeks!

Well, here I am at 15 weeks. Can't believe that I have come this far. I feel like it was just yesterday that we found out I was pregnant. I am just beginning to show a bit but not enough to fill out those maternity tops yet. My mom bought me this one at the Gap Maternity store in Chicago. I absolutely love it.!! Thanks Mom! I promise I will try to keep posting weekly or every couple of weeks to chart my progress for those of you who do not see me on a regular basis.
Maybe soon my pregnant belly will be bigger than Heather's food belly:)


Heather said...

I LOVE the belly hon. You are looking great - especially with all the new maternity clothes :)

Beck's Bulletin said...

You are the cutest pregnant lady ever Megs! Radiant....and beautiful in your new clothes! It is so much fun watching you 'blossom' week by week!and I agree, the time really is flying by...can it be really be 11 weeks since we found out that you were expecting? almost 3 months...where is the time going?

Courtney and Jon said...

You are stunning in those new clothes. Time will fly. Not that it's coming from me friend (has 2 young ones) always said never rush the stages of pregnacy and the stages of her children. I think I will like that theory when I have children.
Take care

Darin and Jody said...

You are looking great Megs, I agree with Heather and I love the little belly! It is exciting to see the bit of growth in the baby. We are praying for you,
love you,