Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Little Things....

For some reason I had a desire to allow my thoughts to be expressed in words today. It doesn't happen very often and so when these times comes I feel it important to express them. This morning at work I was immediately struck with awareness of all the "little things" that my husband does for me. Here are just a few of the many "little things" he does for me: every Wednesday morning as he is leaving for work he will take the garbage out; every since we got our cat he has been the one to take the initiative to clean the kitty litter (I seem to gag every time I try); when we are rushed with a full evening he will start dinner or have dinner ready for me for when I get home from work; when I cook he always cleans up; on Saturday he cleaned the entire kitchen and bedroom without any prodding from me, he will go for walks with me even when he doesn't feel like it because he knows that I love it. I can't tell you why my mind brought me to remember these things but I am sure glad I did. Because now I have the opportunity to let him know how much I appreciate those "little things" that he does. For all you wives out there. Make sure you tell your special man today why he is so special! I love you My Handsome Man!

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

Wow! Your post did my mother's heart proud Megs! What an awesome husband you have! Wish that I could take the credit for training him up well, but I think that the real credit goes to the best role model a boy could ever have....his father! Who modeled a servant heart and has spoiled me rotten for almost 31 years of marriage! Here's to the awesome men in our lives!
Mama B