Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Meet Baby Beck

Well, here are a few pictures of our baby!! Sorry that it took be awhile to get them on. I received a call from the midwive's office yesterday informing me that our baby is perfectly healthy. All the fluid levels and measurements that were taken during the ultrasound are right on. Even my due date seems to be accurate. So, that was definitely wonderful to hear. It was a huge answer to prayer that our little one is doing fine and seems quite healthy. Now we sit and wait to find out whether it is a boy or girl. I have many friends and family that think it is a boy but then there are some out there that are thinking girl. So right now, it is quite the toss up. So the waiting continues....
I think I have been able to feel the little one moving around now! It is quite a sensation. It feels just like a little poke. Almost like its saying hello from within. I can't wait for the day when Jamie can feel it too.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support throughout the last several months. It has been great having such wonderful family and friends around us during this amazing time. I am truly blessed to have the family and friends that I have. Thanks so much!!!


Beck's Bulletin said...

Saying Hello from within! I like that...I can hardly wait to feel it too! ;-) MamaB

Baker said...

Hi Megan. I've been secretly reading your blog too :) We are due on the 25th, so maybe we'll run into eachother at the hospital. I had my last one 11 days early. So, I'm hoping for a bit early again since it'll be the middle of summer. We just had our ultrasound today, but our pictures didn't turn out.

P.S. Your sister Jodi was a bride's maid for my brother Mark and Kim's Wedding. So, we have a connection:)