Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring Break and more...

Well, Jamie is in his second week of spring break and I am increasingly jealous! I think the thing I covet the most is the fact that he gets to sleep in every morning. Oh how I crave my sleep right now. I remember earlier on in my pregnancy when I mom told me, "Megan make sure you get your rest." At the the time I was a bit niave to what she meant as I am someone who can function normally with little sleep. However, now that my life is not completely normal I understand exactly what she meant. Thanks mom!
This week is a rather exciting one for Jamie and I. I am 18 weeks along and have my next midwife appointment tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping I can hear the heartbeat again. Then on Friday Jamie and I will be heading into Langley for the ultrasound. We have been looking forward to this day since the day I was giving the sheet of paper for my ultrasound appt. To be able to see our little baby for the first time is going to be quite an amazing moment, that is if I can get past the constant need to pee. We are hoping and praying that we will be able to see on the ultrasound screen whether or not it is a boy or girl. I know that might be asking for a lot but I think that would be the neatest thing.
I promise that after Friday I will post a picture of my belly growth and about our ultrasound experience.
Can't wait to share it with you all.

1 comment:

Courtney and Jon said...

How was your appointment today? I was thinking of you and praying for you. I hope that you saw the beautiful creation inside you and smiled.
May God shower you with blessings.