Friday, April 21, 2006

Baby Meet Food Belly

Here is Heather and I last Sunday afternoon after we had eating lunch. Heather has this amazing ability to stick her stomach out like she is pregnant after she eats. She calls it her food baby. One of my goals when I found out I was pregnant was to see when my pregnant belly stuck out farther than her food belly. I have slowly been gaining on her but now I can say that I have acheived that goal. It only took 22 weeks but I am there!!!!
We definitely got a good laugh out of this one.

I had my midwife appointment this week and everything seems to be going well. My heart murmur has seemed to have gotten quieter. Dr. Campbell too a listen and said that the noise level of the heart murmur is much softer than the first time. He is sure that it is only a flow murmur induced by pregnancy. I am still scheduled for an echocardiogram just to make sure but that was good news to here.

I definitely feel like in the last week I have popped even more. It is crazy how your stomach expands. I will try and post more pictures this weekend.
This weekend I am having my first Mary Kay classes. I don't think that I have mentioned on my blog that I have recently started selling Mary Kay. I have always worn Mary Kay products and decided that now was the time to start my own business in it. It is a part time thing right now just to bring extra money in as we are saving for our baby's arrival. I would love to get into it full time some day down the road. If you are interested in learning more about Mary Kay product you can visit my personal website at If you have any questions or would like to order any product please drop me a email. I would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

Very nice picture!Must have had a great photographer to get the angles just right!!! ;-) So fun to see a new post while we are here in Texas! It's warm and sunny and we are relaxing! All the best on your Mary Kay Debut....wish I could be in two places at once to be there for it! Love you!