Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's been awhile.....

Here are some of my favorite shots of Aidan. My apologies that it has been awhile since I last blogged; I am still figuring out this whole mothering thing and getting other household things done at the same time. Lots has happened since the last time I posted. This is the first Saturday that Jamie, Aidan and myself have had the weekend alone. My family was here for the first week of his life and then the following weekend we were up at a cabin with Jamie's family. All were good times with family but it sure is nice to settle in just the three of us.
Aidan did really well on his first road trip last week. Here I was trying to get him to forget the fact that he was in the car and for a lengthly amount of time. He decided to take hold of the pacifier himself. What you can't see is that the pacifier is half out of his mouth. So, really he isn't sucking on it at all.
Aidan loves to sleep and the best place is on a warm body. He makes lots of funny faces in his sleep (probably like most babies).
I think that if he had his way he would be sleeping on his tummy all the time. He loves sleeping on a our chest. Here he managed to find the perfect position for himself. It doesn't look too comfy but he sure thought it was. I know you can't tell in this photo but Aidan has purple stains around his mouth. Aidan and I are dealing with "thrush" right now. It is a yeast infection that is passed from mother to baby by breastfeeding. Babies get white all over there mouths and tongue and it becomes quite painful for me. We have been putting Ginsing Violet on him and myself. It is quite a messy procedure and it stains anything and everything it touches, so you want to be careful of what you put on so that you are don't rouine something you really love. Hopefully it will clear up in the next couple of days.
Here Aidan is 3 weeks old wearing one of his newest outfits from Auntie Heather. Heather threw Aidan and myself a baby shower this past Tuesday. There were lots of people there and we were blessed with many gifts. Thanks to everyone who came. Heather this little outfit is the cutest thing and he looks like such a cute little boy in it. Thanks so much!
I suppose I should get going as I here my little one beginning to stir. I am sure it is time for food. The whole breastfeeding thing is still iffy. Please continue to pray for wisdom for me as I decide whether or not to continue to pursue it or go to bottle feeding.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers... we are doing well and enjoying our new life as a little family. Posted by Picasa


Jesse said...

Hey Megan,
I know you don't actually know who I am, I'm Carly's sister Jesse. I was checking out your blog cuz she said you'd had your babe and I'm a sucker for new baby pics! I can't give you any first hand advice on nursing as it's not somethign I did, however, my best friend has had thrush a couple of times with her boys, and the ginseng (sp?) violet worked! She was on meds before she tried that and they did nothing, but the crazy purple stuff worked! Give it a couple of days, and don't wear anything nice (on him or you!) Take lots of pics, they're so fun to laugh at later - much later when the pain is gone :-) In the meantime, take care of yourself and your beautiful new boy. If you need to cry just do it, it's all a part of becoming a mommy.

sethswifeforlife said...

Hi Megan, I am a friend of Jody's in Texas, and I read your blog occasionally. And I just wanted to say 'I feel your pain!" I have had "breastfeeding issues" with all of mine (4), the most dificult time being with my first. But I want to encourage you to stick it out! It is possible, although I know it is painful, physically and emotionally. I have a lot of things I tried, some worked, some didn't and would love to pass them on to you. If you're interested, shoot me an email so I can have your email address.
Sounds like you are trying the natural route, which is exactly what I did. Sometimes it takes longer, but also with antibiotics they can sometimes cause thrush over and over again, ate least from what I've seen and heard. Anyway, I do have some ideas if you need any! In the mean time, I'll be praying for you. Not to discourage you, but it took me and my sweet first born, Tiffany, almost 6 months to really get the hang of it, and to this day, I don't know how we did it! (each child after that was a bit easier!) And it normally doesn't take that long either! God will give grace, if that's what you feel you're supposed to do. But also know that you're still Aiden's BEST mom even if you can't breastfeed! God knows exactly what that precious son of yours needs!

Oh, and btw, he's adorable!

God bless,
Abby Prescott

Anonymous said...

I just got to work and had a moment before patients and thought I'd check your blog. What great pictures. He sure is a sweet baby. I'm glad you all had an enjoyable weekend together. We are praying for you all every day. The purple staining stuff is called "gentian violet". Pretty yuckie stuff. Continue to enjoy motherhood. I wish we were there.
Love, Papa..............

Wade said...

If you ever want to hear from someone who didn't breastfeed, and what a wonderful relationship I have with my son, and also his daddy who helped with the feeding every night, send along an e-mail. There isn't just one way to take care of our little ones. Some work for some people, others for other people. I wish you well!
Love, April

Courtney and Jon said...

Lovely photos. Can Mom and I come by sometime, maybe on friday afternoon (if you are free)? Cause I didn't get to see your peanut at the shower cause there were so many people and I knew that I could call and come over. Let me know if this works for you and hopefully we can come see you and baby.