Thursday, November 17, 2005

America's Next Top Models in the making...

Ok, who of you can admit that you watch "America's Next Top Model"? It's Ok if you do. Jamie and I are trying to look fierce and make sure that we accentuate the right parts of our bodies so that we are long and lean. Can't you tell...we are almost at the same level as Tyra Banks. Right, so back to what really matters...Jamie's Birthday. We were able to celebrate just the two of us the weekend before. I took him out to a restuarant called the Greek Islands. Jamie loves greek food. After dinner we went to Surrey where we met up with some of the other teachers that Jamie teaches with. We hung out with them and played poker (one of Jamie's favorite games). Jamie was lucky and beat me as we were the final 2. He doesn't know this yet, but I let him win because it was his birthday:) (Ok, so maybe that isn't entirely true but at least it makes me feel better:) I can't believe that he is 28 years old! He sure doesn't look like he is almost 30 (hehehehe)!

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

Love that pose you two! ;-)