Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas To All!!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Jamie and I had the priviledge of taking his grade 8 boys basketball team along with grade 8 girls basketball team to Powell River for a tournament. We had to take two bus rides and two ferry rides to get there. Here Jamie and I are at out on the deck hoping to spot a whale but of course it never happened. Most of the kids that came on the trip had never even been outside the Lower Mainland so it was sure fun to watch them experience the ferry rides. The scenery was gorgeous and the weather was not bad. Powell River is definitely a very neat little town but as I told Jamie there is no way that he could get me to live there and raise a family. The trip re-affirmed to both of us that we are for sure city folk.
Christmas is literally around the corner. This entire week has been filled with Christmas events. Tonight we will be celebrating Christmas with Jamie's family and then Friday with his extended family. It is always fun getting together with everyone. Then off to Michigan. Can't wait to go. It is always a fun trip when we are there. It is a rather quick trip but at least we can go and be with my family.
Again Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family. This is kind of like a Christmas card if you think about it. There is a picture of Jamie and I at the top and then a message. This is a perfect kind of Christmas card. :)
To Jody and Darin: I don't know if you check my blog but if you do. I want to let you know that it was great having you up here for Christmas. I know that it meant alot to everyone to be able to see you and spend some time with you. Sorry that it has to be so short but hopefully there will be more trips later in the future. Darin, it has been good getting to know you a bit more each time. We hope to continue to friendship with you and make it stronger even through the miles that seperate us all. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the nice comments you guys were and are such a blessing to us. We had a great time over christmas with y'all. hope you are enjoying your time in michigan. we have joined the blogging world and here is our blog address

love ya,

darin and jody

Courtney and Jon said...

Hey you two,

It's Court and Jon. We too have joined the blogging world and have one from Kenya as well as one of our day-to-day lives (cause they are oh so interesting :) I love to read about all of the beck/heather and matt clan. I am very glad that you had such a wonderful time in Michigan. We came to church twice to try to find you but hopefully we will see you soon.
Love always,
Courtney and Jon