Friday, February 24, 2006

Maternity Clothes and Heartbeat!!!

My apologies for the delay in posts. I have tried a couple of times to post and my computer freezes up on me and I have to shut the whole thing down resulting in losing everything that I have just typed. So, with that frustration I leave it for awhile. And then before I know it it has been a whole week.
Last weekend I went maternity shopping with Heather and Mama B. I must say it was quite the adventure. I don't think I was ready for it at the time but knew it would be necessary. Heather just laughed at me the whole time because I was rather indecisive when it came to picking outfits. I was able to find somethings that will help begin this process of change. It was rather helpful to have Mama B and Heather there to help me. It will definitely be a day that I look back on and laugh.
When we were out Mama B decided to take a couple of pictures of me in the two outfits that I eventually bought (actually Mama B bought them for me) Thank you Mama B. They are rather funny shots of me because you can tell by my expressions that I am not too sure of this whole thing. The one picture of me with the pink shirt on I actually have a pillow under my shirt to help give me the idea of what I might look like around 6 months. Now, that was a crazy sight.

The neatest thing happened on Wed. morning. I had my midwife appt. Everything went really well. And I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat!!!! The coolest thing was that I was able to record it onto my cell phone so that Jamie could hear it later. It recorded nice and clear so we are able to replay it all the time. I think that hearing the heartbeat for both of us made this pregnancy more of a reality. It was a very neat and special thing. I was even able to play the recording over the phone to my parents and they could hear it loud and clear. My dad said it sounded like I was in the room with them. He also said it sounded like a heathly heartbeat. So, all around it has been a good week and past weekend. Thanks to everyone that has been praying for this little one. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.


Beck's Bulletin said...

I am so glad that you recorded that heartbeat Megs! I can hardly wait to hear it too! What an exciting time for you as you begin to realize that there really is another life growing inside of you! And yes, those maternity clothes will fit before you know it!

Courtney and Jon said...

Megan, I have loved watching Kristal's pregnancy unfold and now I can HARDLY WAIT to watch yours. This is so excited for you (an me haha). I can watch you and tell myself how much time I still want to wait teehee:)
Take care,

Love always,