Friday, February 17, 2006

Awaiting A Miracle...

Each Willow Tree Figurine comes with a phrase. This one's phrase is "Awaiting A Miracle." I absolutely love this phrase because it expresses exactly what we are going through. Mama B gave me this figurine for our 13 week milestone. Everytime I look at it I am reminded of what a miracle it truly is and what a huge act of faith it is to carry a child. My dad gave me some words of wisdom when I first found out that I was pregnant and filled with anxiety. He said I needed to let it go and place this baby in God's Hands because there really isn't anything I can do but be a vessel. Every day I am reminded of how important it is to let go and allow Him to strengthen our baby in everyway possible. I must say I don't believe that I have prayed so fervently in a long while over one particular thing. I don't believe that this pregnancy has been much of a reality for me yet, except for the tightening of my waistband. I think that when I can hear the heartbeat for the first time and see it, it will begin to set in. By the way my next midwife appointment is next Wed in the morning. Hopefully I will hear this little life inside of me then. We truly are awaiting a miracle!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie and Megan!
I just got off the phone with Stephen and he told - he hopes that's ok - he kept your secret until now! We're thrilled for you - glad to see Matt & Dawn haven't scared you off the parenting thing!
Blessings on all of you!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Life truly is a miracle and each baby is a miracle Baby...just like Jamie was our miracle baby, you too are now carrying your very own miracle baby! What an exciting time!