Sunday, February 12, 2006

A BIG announcement!

To all of our faithful blog reader. I promised at the beginning of this new year that I would do my best to keep you informed of all the new happenings in our lives. So, I am keeping to that promise. The latest and biggest news in our family is that I AM PREGNANT!!! That's right, we will be having a baby beck towards the end of August. For those of you who are frantically trying to figure out how far along that would put me, I am 13 weeks along. And for those of you who work better in months I am heading into my 4th month. Jamie and I found out on December 22, 2005. Great timing I tell you. We were able to tell our families at Christmas which was a real treat. We decided that we would try and keep it as quiet as we could until we reached 13 week. And let me tell you it has been tough but the time has gone by fast. So, for the next 6 months I will try and post pictures of me getting bigger and keeping you all informed to how things are going. For some of you you maybe be wondering if this was planned?? As Jamie would say, " We weren't doing anything to prevent it" I have been feeling great and have not had too much problems with morning sickness. And from what I hear things only get better from here. I want to say thank you to all of you out there who have been praying for baby beck. It sure has experienced many prayers and they have all been gratefully appreciated. Posted by Picasa


Darin and Jody said...

Yeah!!!!! I am glad that I can finally tell people the good news and that all is still going well. Darin and I are incredibly excited for you all! I wish that we were close by to see all the changes, but I am glad that we have this at least to see pictures. Congratulations once again and you are in our prayers.

love you both,

Jody (and Darin)

Beck's Bulletin said...

Yeah! Now we can tell everyone too! It has been a hard secret to keep because I am just sooooooooo excited!!! To Jody, you won't be Baby Beck any longer.....;-)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Although I've known for a while, I haven't had a chance to say anything. I am so happy for you! Praying for you.

Kirsten said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys. So glad I cruised over to your blog tonight. Great news. I look forward to all the Baby Beck updates!

Courtney and Jon said...

Congrats. I am so excited for you. I asked Heather about 3 weeks ago if you guys were going to have babies soon and she said "yah probably" but now I know that she knew and I hope that I didn't make her feel awkwark. I can't wait.
Will you still be coming to sit on the bench and be our faithful cheerleader for ball?
You are now beating me big time on the posting. haha.
Thanks for sharing your great news with us.
Love always,

Kristal Sawyer said...

Congrats you guys! I am so excited for you...and I am so excited that you are making Mr. & Mrs. Beck grandparents (I know they've been wanting this for awhile...)! Can't wait to hear and see updates.


Julene said...

Congratulations, Jamie & Megan! I know you two will be such amazing parents. Hope you love being pregnant, Megan. It is such a special time ... and you get to waddle! Julene