Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You Know You're Getting Old When...

I know I am getting old when I decide to strap on my running shoes with my dress clothes on and go for a walk during my lunch hour. At the beginning of the week I thought it would be a great idea to take advantage if the sunshine and get some exercise at the same time. So, yesterday noontime came and on came the running shoes and out I went. I had to laugh at the sight. I must have been a sight for sore eyes but I didn't care I was getting some exercise. As I was walking I began to notice several pairs of middle-aged women in their dress clothes and running shoes. I then realized that I was becoming what I thought I would never do. However, I do believe my perspective has changed. I am beginning to admire those women out their that have chosen to take some time for themselves and do what something healthy for their bodies. So, to all of you working women out their that are noontime walkers...way to go. So, if you ever see a younger woman in her running shoes and dress clothes walking around Mill Lake at noontime that would be me in all my glory.
P.S. Sorry there is no picture but I thought I would spare you the reality and just let you use your imagination:)


Darin and Jody said...

Good work Meg! I also got out my running shoes and went for a run, something I hadn't done for a very long time. I am incredibly sore today though, just in time to run tomorrow.
I hope that you and Jamie are doing well,

love you,
Jody (and Darin)

Beck's Bulletin said...

You Go Girl!!! Way to go...and one of these days I might just join you walking around Mill Lake on your lunch break! And no, I won't be wearing my dress clothes...only my very worn running shoes!

Courtney and Jon said...

no no dear, you are killing me in the posting department. I only do one at a time but you...whoo!
Glad you are well. Would love to hang out with you soon.
Jon is temporarily got something lined up, so that's encouraging.
Take care,