Thursday, February 02, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another Day!!!!!

I must apologize for my lack of posts in the last little while. I just find myself forgetting to take pictures of things and then I never think it is much fun to post something without words even though I love it whenever anyone else posts whether with words or not. So, here I am posting without a picture.
Today I woke up to no rain and the sun was beginning to shine!!! I could not believe it. I can't honestly remember when the last time was that I saw sun for longer than a split second. It has been so nice to look out my office window and see the sun and blue sky. It is so funny how the sun affects one's mood. I feel like no matter what happens today it is going to be a great day because the sun is shining.
So, what are the latest happening in our lives, you ask????
Well, Jamie and his grade 8 boys basketball team are ranked fourth in their league!!! This coming week they play and if they win they will automatically go the Valley Tournament. Jamie has yet to take a team to the Valley's and is hoping that this may be his year!! His team has grown so much in this season. They actually look like a team that knows what they are doing. It is so fun to watch them from the beginning to the end. Jamie does a great job with them and it definitely shows.
As for me, nothing is really all that new. I suppose the one new thing is that we finally bought ourselves a digital camera! Yahoo, now we just have to start taking pictures with it:) We are so bad when it comes to taking pictures. I am sure though in the next little while we will get the hang of it.
Well, I better go. I have to enjoy the sunshine before it goes away!

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

I had to laugh! You and I had the same idea! Both of us used the "Rain, Rain, Go Away...." if it would only go away for good! Or at least more than a few hours! ;-)