Thursday, March 09, 2006

16 weeks

Well, here I am at 16 weeks. I took this picture on Monday and I would say I have gotten a bit bigger in the last 4 days. I would like to say that I have semi-popped but Heather would say I have popped. Apparently the little one is the size of an avocado now. This week I have experienced more cramping then what I have been use to but when I talked with the midwives they were not concerned. They said that the cramps I have been feeling would be the round ligaments stretching making room for more growth. Everyday I wake up hoping that today will be the day that I will feel him/her moving around.
Jamie and I are looking forward to the ultrasound that will be taking place on March 24. Can't wait to see the little one swimming around. For all of you who are curious as to whether we are finding out the sex of our baby, the answer is yes! Jamie figures that we have to wait long enough for it so he would love to know ahead of time. When he gave me his rational I agreed.
Jamie is hoping for a boy and I guess I am leaning towards a girl but whatever we have will be precious and special. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Dearest Megan,

Oh my friend- Congratulations!!! Alexa just passed your blog on to me (: I am very excited for you. You look wonderful (:

Love and prayers,
Anna Hook

Beck's Bulletin said...

Looking good Megs! It is so much fun seeing you 'pop' out more each week! As for knowing the sex of this baby....seeing as the two of you can never even keep your gifts to one another a secret(or bother wrapping them for that matter) it really is no surprise that you want to know the sex ahead of time! I am with you...I can hardly wait until you have the ultrasound to see what you are going to have!!Boy or Girl? What will it be!
Mama B

Darin and Jody said...

You are looking great Megan! Thank you so much for the picture, it is fun to see the bit of change from week to week, I am seeing the glow that I have heard about.

love you,

Kristal Sawyer said...

Hey Megan! You look great! Can't wait to watch the avocado grow!

As far as finding out the sex...good for you! I am excited to find out! We have friends down here that have criticized us for not finding out (because 99% of women find out down here) but we know they're just mad because THEY can't know what we're having!

So I am excited you're finding out...because then that means that I get to find out what you're having! (and I'm sure you're excited too!)

cari said...

Oh hi...I found your blog while blog surfing awhile ago. I went to highschool with Jamie - long time ago, probably won't remember me, but I thought I would say a quick "Congratulations!"

Courtney and Jon said...

Adorable, as usual :)

Keep smiling.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

HI Megan,
You look radiant! What an exciting time this is for you and Jamie. As for feeling the baby move...I think that with my first one it may have been around 19 weeks, and it felt like a butterfly opening and moving its wings. You'll feel it soon!