Friday, March 24, 2006

Our first family picture!

Jamie and I had a rather exciting day today! It was ultrasound day. We were rather excited about it because we knew that we were going to be able to see our baby. I still remember the day back in Jan. when I was told I could go for my ultrasound. I had been waiting for this day for what seemed like a long time yet, it came so quickly. I had to drink 32 ounces of water an hour before the ultrasound! I was not sure how that was going to be, surprisingly not bad. I think the worst part was walking from the car to the building. Everything I had drank was just moving downward. Not a pleasant feeling. Thankfully I didn't have to wait very long and the technician I had was quite nice. I was able to get rid of the water rather quickly and continue with the ultrasound without all the water. It was the neatest thing to see our little baby moving about and sucking his/her thumb. If you look closely to the bottom left picture he/she is sucking its thumb, quite cute I must add. Jamie was quite relieved to see that there was only one! As for the sex, well we just have to wait and see what the technician says after I am 20 weeks along. Stay tuned.....

Here I am at 18 weeks and 5 days!

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Beck's Bulletin said...

How exciting! The three of you! ;-) Now you have evidence that there really is a Baby Beck and you aren't just gaining weight! ;-) So much fun watching you blossom!

Darin and Jody said...

Darin and I kept checking your blog yesterday, hoping to get a glimpse of the newest member of your family. So, I checked this morning, while he is feeding the horses, and I got to see your picture! I am very excited to see the baby and I bet you guys can't wait to know what it is, good thing 20 weeks isn't too far away. Megs, it is fun to watch the baby grow as your tummy grows. We are incredibly excited for the both of you and are continuing to pray for you.

love you,

Courtney and Jon said...

Oh beautiful Megan. You look amazing and I am very excited to get to see that photo because I had been checking faithfully for a long time (well since wednesday when I knew that you had the ultrasound:) You guys look truly happy and for that I praise God. Great to see you today, can't wait to see you again and hang out again soon.

keegan said...

Hey Megan! Come check out my blog some time- your life sounds very exciting and blessed!

Courtney and Jon said...

hey dear,

I'm sorry that I was rushing you for a picture. I thought that your ultrasound appt was on wednesday but I got your 2 appts mixed up. Now I understand and you were very on the ball because you only had your appt on friday and then on sat we got a photo.

Sorry about that.

Nadine said...

your baby looks BEAUTIFUL!! i was hoping i would get to see a picture of the baby. and i was also excited to find your blog. i was talking about my weekend with my sister, and your name came up (our fun trip out of church) and she mentioned your blog, so i thought that was quite exciting. i'll be sure to check back for more pictures of your growing baby!!
have a great day,

Nancy said...

Technology, pretty exciting stuff. It sure is wonderful to see God's creation in the making. Thanks for sharing. I'm not sure if I saw a pink ribbon in her hair or a small sailboat in his hand. Either way, it is a joy to wait expectantly. We are looking forward to seeing all three of you this weekend.
Love, Dad..............

Kirsten said...

Such a great family photo! You look beautiful Megan. So fun to follow your progress.