Sunday, April 09, 2006

Family and baby stuff

Here is Jamie with my dad and brother, Ben. We love to play Settler's of Catan and so when they came our kitchen table was transformed into the game table. After each game we would just leave it out because we knew that we would be playing it again.
It was great to have my family come for a visit. They came during my brother's spring break. It was the first time they had see our new home. It was quite a treat. We had enough room now for everyone. As before it would get rather cramped in our 2 bedroom apartment.
It was a great week. I had to work for the first couple days of work but then I took the last two days off and spent the time with them.
Now that there is a baby coming, we had lots of shopping to do. Mom, dad, and I went to
babies r' us in Langley and did up a baby registry so that people back in Michigan would have an idea of what Jamie and I like. I must say it was rather overwhelming. Who knew there were so many different kinds of blankets, burp clothes, bibs, ect. So much to choose from.
Mom and Dad, thanks for making that time easier and a bit less overwhelming. It was great to do it with you. It was also wonderful to have you here. Glad that you all were able to stay for the whole week.
Love you lots!!!

21 weeks more than half way there.....
I know I haven't posted a picture in awhile but with my family here it was a bit hectic. Jamie had taken a couple of pictures of me earlier but I was not fond of them so I took the matter into my own hands and too a self portrait in the mirror. Surprisingly I liked it better than the other ones...(i know i'm picky)
So far everything is still going well. I continue to grow as the pictures are showing. As of last week the baby was the size of a large sweet potato. 10 inches long including its legs. I am feeling the baby kick more each day. It still hasn't kicked hard enough for Jamie to feel it. That will be quite the day when that happens. Jamie wants to feel it so badly.

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Darin and Jody said...

Looking good Megan! I am glad to hear that you had a good time with your family, we are looking forward to having Mom and Dad down here. Good to hear that the baby is doing well and growing.
Praying for you, love you

Beck's Bulletin said...

Nice picture Megs! And you did a great job of showing off the 'sweet potato and it's home'.....lovely!

Kristal Sawyer said...

Megan you look beautiful!!!