Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunny Sunday in White Rock!

It was Matt's 26th birthday on Saturday so the four of us went for fish n'chips at Moby Dick's in White Rock. Its crazy to think back to when I first met Matt. Who would have thought that we would be quasi related. Matt, I am glad our friendship has continued to grow and I am proud to have you as my friend. There isn't anybody else I would want our children to have as an uncle!
It has always been so fun to be able to hang out with my best friend/sister-in-law with our husbands. I was reminded again of the true blessing I have in my circle of family and friends.
After lunch we decided to take a walk on the water and get some gelato. It was so yummy! I couldn't believe the weather. It couldn't have been any better. What a cute couple! Happy Almost Anniversay to you too. 3 years and still going strong!
Well, here is me and my handsome man!!!! I am now starting my 23rd week. I feel like in the last week or so I have just popped. Friends tell me that I am definitely looking pregnant and not just fat, that is a relief. I have been reading up on the growth of our little one and around this time he is 11 inches long and just over 1 pound. 11 inches seems like quite a lot when you actually look at a ruler. It's crazy to think that of how big they actually get in the end. I am for sure feeling him more and more. I also read that we should soon begin to see him moving when I am laying or sitting still. Then after I was done reading I was telling Jamie and we were sitting there and we actually saw my stomach push out in a certain area. It was the weirdest thing. He is definitely quite active. Posted by Picasa


Beck's Bulletin said...

Great pictures Megs!! Looks like the four of you had lots of fun and didn't miss Sunday dinner at our house at all!!! Maybe we will all have to try going out some weeks! Dad is always trying to get me to go to White Rock! Glad that you had a fun day celebrating Matt's birthday!
Missing all of you!

Courtney and Jon said...

Hey Megan!
I am sure that everyone else already knew this but I had no idea that it's a boy, or were you just accidentally writing 'he''him'...? Either way, I am really excited for you and Jamie. The photo of you two is so cute because it looks like you can't stand very close together because of your belly. That makes me smile cause you are getting bigger and bigger everyday (ie. looking more prego-like you said :). I too am glad that you have great friends in Matt and Heather. I think that is incredible, the way that God works in people's lives to interconnect everyone. I am glad that you all had a great day together celebrating Matt's birthday.