Saturday, May 06, 2006

24 weeks!

Well, here I am at 24 week! This picture is a bit late since I am completing my 24th week but at least it gives an idea to those of you who do not see me on a regular basis. I feel as if I have a basketball connected to me. My stomach has chosen to go straight out front. I am not complaining by any means but it sure if a funny thing to see a ball in front. I can tell that I will be getting even bigger in the weeks to come because my stomach is itching and stretching, making room to grow!!! Craziness I tell you!
I had a midwife appointment this week and everything continues to look good. My midwife is happy about the amount of weight I have gained and the fact that I have made some changes in Jamie and I's diet (ie. brown rice instead of white, more veggies, milk, & protein). This time my midwife even began to feel to see if she could figure out what position the little guy is laying. Apparently, from her pushing and prodding she believes that he has his bum up in the air and to the right with his head bottom left. Apparently that is a good position for now. I must say he is quite the active little one. Every chance I get I try to make sure that Jamie can feel him moving. Its quite fun to watch Jamie's expressions when he feels him move. However, poor Heather has yet to feel him. Everytime he moves I will put Heather's hand there and he stops. She is convinced that he loves the soothing sound of her voice and that is why he settles down. Who knows??
Tomorrow we are celebrating Heather's bday for lunch so hopefully I will take some pictures and post them for all to see. And maybe Baby Beck with have a present for her and she feel him move:) Posted by Picasa


Beck's Bulletin said...

Great picture Megs!! I can hardly wait to feel the baby move as well! Maybe tomorrow will be the day! ;-)

Darin and Jody said...

Megan, you are looking great. Thank you for the pictures, as I am one of those who doesn't get to see you changing. I am amazed at how much Baby Beck has grown since the last picture.

love you,

Nancy said...

Great picture, Meg, Yep sure looks like you're getting bigger and bigger. I'm so glad we can "track " your progress in these pictures. love ya,