Sunday, May 14, 2006

Prego update!

This Mother's Day Jamie was sweet and got a an "almost mother's day" card. We had stayed home from church this morning to get ready for lunch with his family because it was my turn to cook. While I was getting ready he slipped a card on the counter for me. It was so special. I must say that I have the greatest husband! Many women might beg to differ with me but he is the best for me. It is so weird to think that we will be parents in 3 months and a couple of weeks. The time has been flying by. It was a great day. I was able to get everything ready for a scrumptious meal that everyone enjoyed; I was able to talk with my mom and wish her a Happy Mother's Day; we enjoyed the sunshine; and this evening will be heading over to a friends (Matt & Dawn Ewert) house to watch the finale of Survivor. What a great first "almost" Mother's Day.
Before we had everyone at our house for lunch I had Jamie take a picture of me to document the continual growth. I am heading into my 26th week and I must say that the basketball just keeps getting bigger. The nice thing is though is that it really is just my stomach that is growing right now. I tried on a pair of my jeans that I was wearing before I was pregnant and I could still get them on and button them but they were a bit too tight to wear comfortably. I must say I was shocked but quite happy as well. The weather lately has been absolutely beautiful which makes it nice to go for walks. Jamie and I were able to get to long walks in this weekend and hopefully I will be able to take some of my lunch hours and walk around Mill Lake. It has been so good for me to keep walking and it helps keep everything loose and limber. Apparently the more you are able to walk the better it is for you. So, a walkin I will go! Posted by Picasa


Beck's Bulletin said...

thanks for the delicious lunch Megs! It was great being spoiled and coming to your house for Sunday Dinner instead of the other way around! And a very Happy 'almost' Mother's Day to you too!

Nancy said...

Lookin good Meg, You're right you look like you have a basketball in front. I can't beieve you only have 3 more months!

Darin and Jody said...

Meg, you are looking great and good work with the walking. I am glad that you have been able to keep it up and that Jamie has been going with you some. I can't believe that you are so far along already, in no time at all you and Jamie will be parents, crazy! I am glad that you had a good almost mother's day.

love you,