Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas with Opa and Oma

Tuesday night Jamie and I were able to go out with some friends for dinner and a movie. The boys stayed with Mimi, Pa, Oma and Opa. Mimi decided that the boys could give Oma and Opa their Christmas presents because they would not be with us on Christmas Eve. Aidan went hunting under the tree to find their gifts.
He has been learning how to read letters and numbers at preschool. Apparently, he found their presents. The look on his face is priceless. So proud of finding them all by himself.

The boys enjoyed getting to spend some special quality time with Oma and Opa. Oma would read books to Jaxon and Opa would play soccer and football with Aidan. Not sure who had more fun at times.
One of the gifts that Doris got Oma and Opa was a photo book filled with all the grands. The boys love looking at photo books especially Jaxon. It looks like they found themselves on that page.
Thanks Oma and Opa for spending time with our boys....they loved it; along with the Christmas gift!

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

They had sooo much fun together!