Friday, December 31, 2010

Fun Times in Michigan

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I am not going to write too much because I think the pictures speak for themselves.

We have been having a good time with my family this Christmas season. We have been able to do lots of fun things. Lots of bball, sword games, sleigh rides in the snow, going to the mall to play, the Children's Museum and lots more.

The boys got some fun new games/ one point the boys didn't even want to open up other presents, they just wanted to play with what they got. It was quite funny.

Sledding through the trees...trying to find the reindeer tracks...

Unkie Ben made the boys their own armor, swords and shields out of cardboard and duct tape for Christmas! They totally loved them. The armor fit Jaxon perfectly. Aidan didn't really like the armor but loved the sword and shield. They have played with it so much that the swords are now very flimsy.
It was a great gift! Thanks Ben!

Aidan made sure to get Papa in on the fights. Always friendly fights but vicious.
Only boys.

The Children's Museum has always been a favorite for the boys. This year was no exception. We probably stayed there the longest this year. Lots of fun.

The bubble station was one of Jaxon's favorite.
Jaxon was trying to catch one of the big bubbles in this picture. It is such a priceless expression of our little man!
Aidan was quite enamored with the dominoes. I believe we spent the longest time sitting at this station. It was great for us adults because we were able to sit for awhile. Nana and Aidan made some great domino trails.

Reading stories with both Nana and Papa were a must before bedtime. The first night here Jaxon was so tired that he didn't even make it for the whole story.
Aidan learned Candy Land and loved it!

At the mall there is a play area for kids that is full of food items that they can play on. We headed to the mall to do some quick shopping and Nana stayed with the boys while we picked up some things. Jaxon was content to fun and follow Aidan but would lose him sometimes and come back asking where Aidan was.....a great way to work out some energy.
The boys and Papa always do one annual Krispy Kreme doughnut run....This morning was the day. They headed out and brought us back a dozen.

It has been a fun trip this year. The boys can do more and even have days where naps are necessary. Hopefully the memories stay for along time. I know they will for me.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Fun to see pictures...I've been checking every day. Glad to hear that you had a great time and so many wonderful memories and you even got some snow! Way more than we had up north. I love your Dad's tie on the first couple of pictures!

Nancy said...

Thanks for another fun Christmas! We are always grateful for the time we get to spend with you. Every year changes a little as the boys grow and change.The snow disappeared at the end of the week but now is back.
Glad you made it home OK and I'm impressed by how fast you got pictures on your blog.!

Anneliese said...

Thanks for allowing me a peek into your Christmas. Glad you could make memorable moments with both sides of the family!