Thursday, August 04, 2011

Desert Canyon

We just arrived back home from a mini vacation to one of our favorite spots, Desert Canyon. It is outside of Lake Chelan, WA in the hills. It sits on a beautiful golf course and has a small pool perfect for the kids.

We invited our friends, Dan, Erin, Tate and Coen. We shared a 4 bedroom suite and spent Sunday - Wednesday. It was perfect! The weather was gorgeous and the company was great. Even with kids we found it relaxing.

Jaxon was hilarious at the pool. We always put his life jacket on (for safety purposes) however, he rarely came in. I think we have maybe 2 pictures of him in the water. He had more fun standing on the side of the pool and laughing at everyone in the pool. We would pull him in every now and then. He would scream like a girl but laugh and enjoy it but want out immediately.

And then there was Aidan. He LOVED the pool. We definitely could tell that his swimming lessons have paid off. He was so confident in the water and spent most of the time without his life jacket. He did use his life jacket when he wanted to swim the whole length of the pool. We took a break from the pool one afternoon and we took the boys to the driving range to hit some golf balls. We don't have small clubs for the boys; so they had to use Jamie's. It was hilarious to watch them try....both of them were able to hit ball which was impressive.
Jaxon liked it but not as much as Aidan. He hit a couple of balls was content with that. Once he was done he was ready to go back to the pool.
I love the concentration on his face. He was so determined to hit the ball. Of course, if the ball didn't go very far he would get upset and want to hit it farther. Such a type A personality. ;)
Jamie even brought some of my clubs so that I could practice a bit. It was hilarious. I hadn't hit a ball in almost 3 years. I think that Jamie and I went golfing the summer after Jaxon was born and that was the last time. I whiffed at the ball a lot. I did hit a few good ones that felt really good. We definitely have visions of golfing as a family.

Another classic look while at the pool. Aidan jumping in and Jaxon standing on the edge watching. Tate loved the water as well. I think she was in it the most out of all the kids. Our boys liked to go from the pool to the hot tub and back. While the boys were at the hot tub she would stay in the pool.

Oh my, the cuteness! I cannot get enough. I have to thank Dan and Erin for taking most of these pictures. They captured our boys in perfect moments.

Another awesome pic! I think this will be my favorite closeup of Aidan for the summer! I am in love with pics where they are close ups and the kids (or person) are looking straight into the camera! Seriously!

Poor Jaxon got cold....needing a moment in the sun with his towel. He looks a bit blitzed here. I guess no naps for a couple of days will do that to ya. He was so good though. Every night he would fall asleep in minutes and during the day he was good. Not too much crying and/or complaining.
Oh how the kids loved to push us in the pool. We all took turns letting them push us in. They thought it was hilarious. There were a couple of occasions when Jaxon would think he could try to push Aidan in as well....not so good. However, such is life with boys ;)
I promise I went in the pool. There just aren't that many of me in the pool because I was the one taking pictures. Dan and Erin got me in a couple of shots so that was nice. It just proves that I was there. We had such a wonderful time.....we didn't want to leave. Every time we are there we talk about how nice it would be to own a condo here. I think that we would live up there all summer if we did. We came home wanting more but thankful for the time we had. Great memories.


kelly ens said...

looks like a great holiday! So much fun! :)

Heather said...

Looks like so much fun - I love the pictures! Can't wait to see you guys soon...

Beck's Bulletin said...

Awesome pictures!!! Looks like so much sorry to have missed the DC trip this summer as it is always a highlight.