Sunday, October 30, 2011

Change is Good

I have always been one to welcome change. I find it fun, exciting and challenging. This summer I was presented with the possibility that change could be on the horizon for me in regards to my job with World Vision. I have been blessed with my part-time job with World Vision but it looked like it might be coming a close. When this came up Jamie and I started talking about what my next job might look like. I had always wanted to work in the school district as a TA (Teacher's Assistant) or a Youth Care Worker. We thought it might be wise to apply to be on the Casual List for TA and YCW so that when my World Vision job was no more I would have my foot in the door.

I handed in my application to the school board in the summer but did not hear anything until the beginning of October. Jamie had warned me that the process can take a long time so I needed to just be patient (not always my strong suit). I got a phone on a Friday to schedule my interview for the next week Tuesday (two weeks ago). I was nervous since I had not had a job interview in awhile. I remember praying asking the Lord to calm my nerves and to help me to be open, honest and real. The interview went great. I felt really good about it but I also felt at peace that I laid everything out there and if this was not my time everything would work out fine.
The next day, Wednesday, I got a phone call letting me know that they wanted to hire me but that they had a FULL-TIME position for me. YIKES! I was absolutely thrilled and terrified at the same time. I am pretty sure I walked around in a daze for the rest of the day. The rest of the day, I spent trying to work out the details of daycare for Jaxon. Thankfully, I had already talked with someone from our church who was willing and ready to take him for me but we were both thinking it might be 2-3 days a week. She was willing to take him for 4 and Jamie's mom was willing to take him for 1. After talking with Jamie about it more in detail that night I phoned on Thursday and told them I would take the job. That meant, I started Monday!
I had my moment of feeling guilty that I was doing this to Jaxon since Aidan got to have me home for 5 years but then after I had my moment I knew that Jax would be fine. He is our child that doesn't mind change (like me). He goes with the flow and change doesn't seem to phase him. I also knew that God was the one that orchestrated all of this from the beginning and I knew that He would be with us during this time of change/transition.
Monday morning came and Jaxon got ready and was excited to head off to Mrs. Tammy's house. Jamie took him on the way to school. When I went to pick him up after school he didn't want to leave! I was so happy! He has had a great week and is loving it!
All of us did great during this first week of change and I can only truly thank the Lord for this. He has provided everything that we need. Life is going to look different for us now but it is a good kind of different. My prayer for our boys is that they will learn that change is good and that life will always be filled with change and we need to learn to adapt and move with it.


Beck's Bulletin said...

Love the pictures! And change is good...not always easy, but as you said, you can see God's hand in this and He has also worked out all the details! And Jax and I had a great day together on Wednesday...looking forward to this week too!

kelly ens said...

very exciting! So glad that all the details have worked out for this :)

Melissa said...

Congratulations! Glad you are enjoying this new change in your life!

Heather said...

So glad you have this opportunity Megs!