Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Thanks

I have been reading a book this fall called "One Thousand Gifts". The whole idea behind the book is to live in the present moment and to have a heart of thanksgiving for everything. The author was challenged to write down 1000 things she was thankful for. She took the challenged and it changed her life.....for the better. As I have reflected on her words I am reminded again how important our mindset is everyday and when we focus on being brings us back to Him and how we view life completely changes. This is not to say that you still don't have "bad" days but when you get into the habit of looking for and recognizing things in your life to be thankful for.....good habits are formed.
As I continue to move through this life I am more aware of ALL that I have to be thankful for. Back at the end of September we had some family pictures taken by Pinball Photography. She did an amazing job capturing our family. It is funny how great pictures help create a heart of gratitude for those that you love. I love now looking up on my walls and seeing my boys and how she captured them.
My handsome man and my boys are just a few of the many things I know I have to be thankful for. As we move closer to the Christmas season where we are intentional to spend time with family and as American Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away it is easy to think on the things that are blessings in our lives.
My hope and prayer is that even after the festivities of Christmas are behind us I will continue to look for the daily things in my life that I can be thankful for. There are so many things...we are truly blessed.
I want to look at life with a heart of thanks. I believe that it is possible and I believe that when we truly have this as central in our lives it brings us back to a focus that is solely on Him and what He has done and what we can do to bring Him glory.
My heart is full with blessings that He has given me...and I want to continue to look and see what He has for me everyday. I think it is nearly impossible to look at the pictures of my boys and not SEE and be THANKFUL!


Beck's Bulletin said...

Love the pictures!! Very neat that we have both been reading the same book and learning the same lessons about having a thankful heart.

trudymiles said...

Megan,I was just reading blogs this morning and hadn't looked at yours in awhile. I was truly blessed by what you said about being thankful for everything...a needed reminder for us all. Have a blessed Christmas and you have a beautiful family! Boys rock! I can say that from experience, but you will be blessed one day with some wonderful daughter-in-laws like I have been. God is so good!

Nancy said...

What wonderful musings especially as we get ready to celebrate our Thanksgiving Holiday.We have much to be thankful for this year as we reflect on so many answers to prayer. We are so thankful that you love the Lord and desire to please him with your life. You are a blessing. The pictures were great,Meg and we can't wait to celebrate Christmas with you soon.

Anneliese said...

Beautiful photos along with your reflections. So much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day and always!