Sunday, February 26, 2012


The basketball season has come to a close for the Beck family. Jamie's team finished up this week. They did really well this season, 6th in the Fraser Valley. It was lots of fun to go to the games and cheer them on. I have to be honest, I am glad that it is done, for now. It was a long season and with us going to most, if not all, of the games, the season was very tiring.....but worth it.
The boys really liked it when Jamie's team would finish and no other games would start because then they could take a ball and play. Aidan has gotten better and better as the season has gone on. It is fun to watch him grow and get stronger.

Jaxon loves to try. He enjoys dribbling and giving the ball to someone else so they can make a basket. Aidan works so hard to get the ball into the 10 foot high hoop. His concentration is amazing. His tongue is always sticking out and his focus is completely on the hoop. The first time he got the ball in the hoop he was so pumped. The grin on his face was priceless.
I can't wait to see when they actually play on a team or go to a basketball program/camp. Oh the fun these two will have.
The last time, he got the ball in the hoop 7 times! Let's just say, he couldn't stop talking about it.

We continue to live and breathe sports in the Beck house. I wonder what will be next......probably soccer. Aidan loves to play soccer and we have realized that he is the age that we can put him in a community league. We asked him if he would like to do something like that, it was no question. His answer was, "YES".

Soccer mom, here I come!

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

So fun watching your boys enjoying basketball just like their Daddy!