Sunday, April 08, 2012

Spring is Here!

Spring is finally here and we are fully welcoming it with open arms. I never realized how much I LOVE the sun and warmth. As soon as the sun is shining I just want to soak it all in. All my boys love it too. Outside in the sun and warmth is where we belong.

The boys have been soaking it in as well and all the playing they can do in the backyard. It has been so nice to just go outside and have them run off their energy outside. It makes the house a lot quieter, even if it is only for a little bit. They both are getting so good at hitting the baseballs. When I pitch to them I get nervous that I am going to get nailed. They both have hit Jamie a couple of times so I know my day is coming soon.

We had a "first" in our house this week. Aidan has lost his two bottom front teeth. The first one came out after brushing his teeth. He hit the tooth while brushing and it really was only hanging by a couple of roots. I could tell that it would come out quickly so I just pulled it. He was so shocked I am not sure he knew what the do at first. After the shock subsided he was excited and couldn't wait until the tooth fairy came. The second one came out the next day. When I picked him up from school it was very loose. He asked if I could pull it out when we got home. It came out just as easy. Two in 24 hours was crazy. Thankfully the tooth fairy was ready both nights. I think it will be awhile before the adult teeth come in and I don't think we have anymore loose least for awhile. I must admit I do love his toothy grin.

This weekend has been a wonderful one. We have gotten work done around the house (3 loads of bark mulch spread over our flowerbeds), relaxed, had our Easter egg hunt and celebrated the real reason of Easter. My parents sent us an Easter egg package that was full of yummy goodies. We got it during the week and I saved it for the weekend to put some of the treats in their Easter baskets. The boys have loved doing an egg hunt and it is fun for me to watch them enjoy it so much. We decided that we would do the hunt on Saturday instead of Sunday since it is a long weekend and that way we can leave Sunday for celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

At first Aidan was confused as to why were doing our Easter egg hunt on Saturday but when I explained to him that we would save Sunday for Jesus it seemed to make sense to him. We sent them to their room while we hid their baskets and the eggs. They didn't even try to come out to peak! I couldn't believe it! The boys were so excited for the Easter egg hunt that they were running all over the backyard. Aidan obviously wanted to win as it was a race to each egg. I love that he had to run to each spot he found an egg. There was no walking for him.

This is the picture I got from Jaxon when I asked him to show me his Easter basket full of eggs. He is such a ham. Life is not such a race for him but he definitely has his own pace.

I loved when we came in from finding all the eggs. Aidan started counting his eggs to see who had the most and Jaxon just started opening them to see what was inside. They are so similar but so different at the same time. Jaxon could have cared less how many eggs he had he just wanted to know what was inside. And to Aidan everything is a competition.

Sunday afternoon when we came home from Jamie's parents house we went to Aidan's school for him to hit some golf balls around on the field and Jaxon played on the playground. It was a beautiful afternoon. We wanted to make the most of the beautiful weather. Its hard to believe that in less than two months Jaxon will be 4! Time sure does fly.


kelly ens said...

2 teeth in 24 hours! that's crazy!! it does take a while for those adult teeth to start growing...felt like forever with T...and her two top teeth have been loose for a month or 2. i'm glad those are going slower...

Beck's Bulletin said...

Such great pictures! What a gorgeous weekend we had...was fun spending time together!